Robotic Cardiac Surgery In India

Robotic Cardiac Surgery In India

What is robotic cardiac surgery?

Robotic-assisted surgery is a leading-edge procedure. It is minimally invasive precision of the technology. Robotic-assisted surgery is an ideal option for delicate and complex cardiac surgeries.
Robotic cardiac surgery is also called as closed-chest heart surgery. This surgery is a minimally invasive heart surgery performed by a cardiac surgeon. The cardiac surgeon uses a specially-designed computer console to control surgical instruments on thin robotic arms. With the use of tiny instruments and robotic devices, the surgeons are able to perform several types of complex surgeries in a much invasive way as compared to another type of cardiac surgeries.
Robotically-assisted surgeries have changed certain traditional ways by which heart surgeries used to be performed. This technology allows the cardiac surgeons to perform complex cardiac surgeries with much smaller incisions, provides more precise motion control to the surgeon and offers the patients with improved outcomes. Robotic surgeries have been used for a number of different cardiac surgeries such as heart valve surgery, cardiac tissue ablation, coronary artery bypass or heart defect repair.

Robotic cardiac surgery advantages

Robotic cardiac surgery has many advantages as compared to other cardiac surgeries. This surgery enables the surgeon to perform the entire procedure in a much precise way. Following are some of the advantages of robotic cardiac surgery:-

  • Smaller incisions.
  • Less risk of infection.
  • Minimal scarring.
  • Less bleeding.
  • Fewer traumas.
  • Less pain.
  • Faster recovery.
  • Shorter stay at the hospital.
Robotic Cardiac Surgery In India

Tage. robotic cardiac surgery, robotic heart surgery, robotic heart bypass surgery, robotic prostatectomy, congestive heart failure treatment, heart valve replacement, carotid artery surgery,

Kidney Cancer Treatment in India
Kidney cancer is a cancer which starts in the kidneys. The cancer starts when the cells in the body begin to grow out of control. The cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer and spread to other areas of the body.

Corneal Transplant Surgery In India
A corneal transplant (or corneal grafting) surgery is performed to replace the damaged or diseased cornea of the eye with a donated corneal graft tissue. The corneal transplant may be needed to

Pancreas Transplant Surgery in India
A pancreas transplant is a surgical procedure that is used to replace, mostly, a type 1 diabetic person's pancreas with healthy pancreas harvested from a donor.

Bone Marrow Transplant In India
Transfers healthy bone marrow cells when your own unhealthy bone marrow has been eliminated following chemotherapy or radiation.The termsbone marrow transplant, stem cell transplant, and cord blood transplant

Medical Tourism India


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