Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery | Surgery tours India

Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery Treatment India

Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery - An overview

The spine is one of the most important and vital parts of the human body. It is made of interlocked vertebras with cushioning discs in between that allow the vertebras to move the upper body around. Each back bone (spine) vertebras have a space in between the bone structure that is aligned in a normal spine. This space (nerve canal) houses the spinal cord that attaches the brain to the various parts of the body through an intricate system of big and small nerves.

Any sort of damage to the spine (vertebras) or the spinal cord (nerve roots) can result in affecting the strength and range of movement of the spinal column. This can be caused due to a disease, disorder or a severe trauma. A break (fracture), or even a crack, in the vertebras (spine) can affect the functioning of the back bone as well as cause pain.

In such a situation the doctor will usually recommend a suitable spine or spinal cord surgery that can help relieve the painful and disabling symptoms.

Before taking a look at the types of spine and spinal cord surgeries, let us take a look at the benefits and possible risks involved in such type of procedure.

Benefits of Spine and Spinal Cord surgery

Usually, a spine or spinal cord surgery is chosen when other non-surgical methods of treatment have failed to successfully treat the painful and disabling symptoms of a spine or spinal cord disease or disorder.

Being aware of the benefits, as well as the possible risks, of a spine or spinal cord surgery can be very helpful in making the right choice of treatment for the patient.

The main aim of a spine and spinal cord surgery is to gain relief from the intense and debilitating back pain which results in affecting your normal daily activities. A spine or spinal cord surgery can give relief from the back pain as well as:

  • Increasing your daily activity level
  • Improving your overall physical fitness
  • Improve your mood
  • Decrease your need for painkillers and thus avoid their resultant side-effects
  • Allows you to resume your work
  • Increase your productivity at work 

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Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery Treatment India

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